January 2017

The Qualifications of Elders

“The Qualifications of Elders” from Titus 1:5-9 by Dustin Nelson. Released: 2017.

The Role of Elders

Main Truth: God has designed the church so that some would be responsible for all and all would be responsible to the Lord Jesus Christ.   Reflection Question: What is your attitude to God’s design of leadership?

Living as a Community in a Season of Change: Part 2

Main Truth: In this season of change, daily pursue Christlikeness. Reflection Question: Which of these commands of God is most lacking in your life?

Living as a Community in a Season of Change Part 1

Main Truth: In this season of change, daily submit your thoughts, actions and giftedness to Christ.   Take Home Question: How has God gifted me to contribute to the health of this body and am I contributing?

The Importance of Correct Priorities

Main Truth:  Worldly priorities will effect how we view what happens in this life.   Reflection Question:  What is the number one priority in your life this morning?

December 2016

Christmas Eve Message

Because of Jesus, all who have believed, are adopted as sons and daughters of God.

Awake to Everlasting Life

Main Truth: God has a glorious plan for His faithful when they die. Take Home Question: Are you a person of hope?

Demise of the Little Horn

Main Truth: In the midst of every hardship, God’s people fought to worship their God.   Take Home Question: What does your fight to worship God look like?

The Prophecy of the Kings

Main Truth: God’s faithfulness to do exactly as He has said He would do, should bring hope to His people today.   Take Home Question:  Are you living as one with hope?

November 2016

Daniels Prayer for Mercy

Main Truth: God would much rather extend His mercies to sinners than His discipline. Reflection Question: Are you in need of mercy this morning?

Ram, Goat, and Horns

Main Truth: God calls His people to endure through the hardships of this life, because they know God’s plans for the future.   Take Home Question: How is the knowledge of future events shaping your life today?

The Four Beasts

Main Truth: Many great nations will stand for a season, but only the Kingdom of God will go on for eternity. Reflection Question: Which kingdom is your primary focus in life today?  

Election Prayer Service

“Election Prayer Service” from Daniel by Dustin Nelson. Released: 2016.

October 2016

Daniel and the Lion’s Den

Main Truth: God delights in using the faithfulness of His followers to make His great name known to the world.   Reflection Question: How would you describe the level of trust you have in God this morning?