Wednesday Night Youth Group
Youth Group is a great place for students (6-12th grade) to get a break from all the pressures of life, enjoy time together, and hear truth from God’s Word. Join us every Wednesday night in The Shack! We offer snacks, group games, and a message from our youth pastor.
Doors Open: 6:30 p.m.
Youth Group Game Begins: 6:45 p.m.
Youth Group Over: 8 p.m.
Doors Close: 8:30 p.m.
Stay Up To Date
Monthly Youth Newsletter
Check the monthly newsletter for upcoming events and youth announcements. Click Here to go to this month's youth newsletter.
Weekly Youth Email Updates
Do you want the monthly newsletter emailed to you along with additional information about youth group activities? Fill out the Youth Connect Card to stay current with youth events and receive youth group message recaps in your email each week. Click Here for weekly email updates.
Summer Camp
Summer camp is a great opportunity for students to get away from all the distractions of life, grow in their love for the Lord, and build relationships with other students. Information for Summer Camp comes out each March.
This year, the students will attend Pineywoods.Christian Camp in Woodlake, Texas.
Release Forms
Students participating in youth activities not on the church campus must complete a medical release form. Please turn it into the church office or bring it to a Youth Group event. Medical Liability Form Students participating in youth activities may have their pictures taken and posted on the church newsletter or Facebook account. Please turn in your media release form to the church office or bring it with you to a youth event. Media Release Form
Select Contact Us in the navigation to connect with our Youth Group Leaders for more information about Fellowship Youth.

Brice Land
Youth Pastor