Thank you for your interest in our church!  We want to welcome you and let you know that we are here to help you know God through faith in Jesus, and to help you grow in your relationship with God.  If you decide to visit, here are a few things that you can expect when you walk through our doors.  

We practice expository preaching

Expository preaching involves the communication of the original meaning and intent of a biblical text and how that meaning applies to our lives today.  The goal of expository preaching is to expose the meaning of the Bible, verse by verse.  What that typically means is that we preach through books of the Bible, both Old Testament and New Testament, from beginning to end of that book.  We do this because we believe it's important that we understand God's Word in its original context.  Knowing God's Word in its original context best helps us apply it to our lives today.

We encourage genuine relationships

One of the resources that God has given His people to help us live faithfully to Him is the church and the relationships that we have with other believers.  The Christian life is full of hardships and difficulties.  Not only are there concerns about the health of our bodies, protection from danger, and resources to live, but Jesus said that those who live for Him will be hated by those in the world on account of Him (Matthew 10:22; John 15:18).  Genuine relationships within the church family are vital for producing the endurance we need to live faithfully to God.  We are not a church that you can slip in and slip out of on a Sunday morning.  We are a church that desires to get to know you so that we can give hope and help to you in your time of need.

We don't have it all figured out

We look forward to the day when God will bring His people to the new heavens and new earth.  At that time, there will be no sin and we will be perfect in God's eyes.  In the meantime, we imperfectly strive to follow after God.  We are a people who recognize that we are still in process.  We know that God is at work in us, changing us degree by degree (2 Corinthians 3:18), as we focus our hearts and minds on Him.  We don't have everything figured out, but we do strive to help each other grow in faith and faithfulness to God.  


Planning on visiting us on Sunday morning?  Great!  Here are some answers to the questions that some people ask before visiting.  

What should I wear if I visit your church?

There is no spoken or unspoken dress code at our church.  Most people wear whatever makes them comfortable.  That usually changes from week to week depending on the weather and some people like to dress up for special holidays.  As long as you are wearing clothes, we're happy.

What do you do during your worship service?

The service starts off with singing, Scripture reading, and prayer.  If you have been to church before or listen to Christian radio, you may recognize some of the music.  You will also hear a sermon from the Bible and on the first Sunday of every month we celebrate the Lord's Supper together.  

Will there be something for our children?

Your children can stay with you during the entire service or they can go to age-specific programming just for them.  When you enter the church building, our children's director and a children's volunteer will be at the welcome desk to show you the children's area and answer any questions you have about children's ministry.  We just want to help you so that you can make the decision that is best for your family.