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About usPhilosophy – Love Others
By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another. ~ John 13:35
The knowledge, grace, love, and mercy that Christians experience from God is not meant to stay just with them, but is meant to be shared with others. When members are displaying love to other members, it is a powerful testimony to the world. Therefore, being part of a church is not only a commitment to the church, but to the other members of the church. It is a commitment to care for others within the church through encouragement, kindness, and financial support. It also may involve lovingly and gently calling another Christian who has lost sight of God or others back into a right relationship with God or the church. This is how we love each other, by cheering each other on as we journey together and chasing after those who have gotten off the path.
Loving others also involves turning away from those behaviors that attack relationships within the church. Behaviors such as gossip or manipulation in order to harm people or prop an individual up cannot be tolerated within the church.  God had a lot to say about what it means to live in a church community in the Bible through “One Another” statements.  “One Another” statements are times when God tells us how we are to treat “one another.”  We love others as we seek to apply these “One Another” statements to our lives.
Loving others happens naturally as we go through life at Fellowship. God gives us opportunities to care for each other when we find out about a family illness or need. We also have opportunities to mirror God's grace and love towards those who sin against us in the church. Let's face it, it's going to happen, because the church is full of recovering sinners. But when we are focused on God, then we are able to love those within the church who are being unloving and call them back to a right relationship with people and God.
One of the best ways to love others in the church is through Home Groups. Home Groups give people an opportunity to share needs and concerns in a small group setting. Some people within the Home Group may be able to pitch in by meeting a need directly. All can join with that person in prayer. Fellowship is on a journey and Home Groups allow us to stay connected with the church at large and give us an opportunity to share the love we have received from God with others.