Media – 1 Peter

February 2017

Be Holy!

Main Truth: Those God has made holy through faith, He calls to live a holy life.

Reflection Question: What is in my life right now that is not holy as you, God, are holy?

Set Your Hope Fully

Main Truth: God commands His followers to fully focus on Him.
Reflection Question: What part of setting your hope fully on God’s grace do you need to focus on this week, preparing your mind or being sober-minded?

God’s Mercy in Salvation

Main Truth: Believers must never take for granted the life-transforming gift of salvation.

Reflection Question: Are you currently cherishing this great gift of salvation?

Strangers in Strange Land

Main Truth: To remain faithful to God in a strange land, God’s people must never forget the gift of their salvation.
Reflection Question: What has been your attitude towards God’s gift of salvation this past week?